- Governance and Management structures established both at (National & County levels)
- Guidelines for the operationalization of key structures done
- Over 400 Staff sensitized on programme implementation mechanisms/guidelines
- Stakeholders including County sector leadership (CECs/COs) sensitized on ASDSP II
- JASSCOM strategic Plan and communication strategy prepared
- All 47 Counties have established CASSCOMS and are in process of legislating them by their respective counties and also preparing their strategic plans.
- Collaborations established with both public and private partners in the sector at national and county specific levels – examples include (GiZ, Hand in Hand, Sauti Africa, Access Agriculture, Self Help Africa, Wanda food, KEMDAP)
- 6 Bilateral review consultative meetings held as scheduled in collaboration with 6 counties (Laikipia, Nyandarua, Narok, Trans Nzoia, Embu & Marsabit)
- At least 143 stakeholders have provided leverage funds for supporting the capacity building concepts and the CPSs are engaged in signing of MoUs/contracts or letters of Agreement with the relevant partners
- Facilitated preparation and launching of sector Regulations:
- Irish potato2019, Irrigation regulations,2019 (Nyandarua county launched its county Irish potato regulations on 8th August,2019 after the national release at KALRO in May 2019)
- Laikipia County launched Dairy Development policy on 2nd July 2019 on 2nd July 2019 – in collaboration with SNV
- Other regulations reviewed through ASDSP II support includ:
- The Fisheries (Safety of fish, Fishery products and Fish feed) Regulations, 2007,
- Beach Management Unit Regulations, 2007
- Strategy for the transformation of root and tuber crops
- Warehouse receipt system regulations,2019
- Livestock identification and traceability system regulations