H. E the Swedish Ambassador to Kenya Hon. Caroline Vicini made technical mission visit to Siaya County on the 14th July 2021 to engage with the ASDSP II implementers and beneficiaries with a view to assess the programme implementation status. Her Excellency, the Ambassador had a rare opportunity to witness the tremendous efforts and strides achieved by the programme within a period of 4 years. She noted that Siaya County is at the fore front in implementing the ASDSP II programme that is contributing to food and nutrition security, wealth and incomes creation.
While on the assessment tour to Maningi Enterprises, Siaya Value chain Incubation centre and Luanda Kotieno Beach, the Ambassador expressed her delight in the programme approach on social inclusion of women and youth in the value chain chain development. She added the commitment of Swedish Government in mainstreaming youth and women participation in all its programmes which was largely shown by Siaya County.
“Its marvelous to see income generating enterprises within the value chains of Fish, Mango and Indigenous chicken. This is an indication that extension and linkages through different platforms is improving livelihoods for the poor in the society”, said Ambassador Vicini.
During a courtesy call in his office earlier in the day, H.E the Governor Cornell Rasanga Amoth, the County Governor appreciated the Swedish Government for its overwhelming investment on mindset change for residents to practice in commercially oriented Agriculture.
He assured that his Government will ensure that the 110 Million invested over a five year period since 2017 obtains the stipulated value.
“With effective commitment and accountability of these resources, we will be able to measure its impact that will live beyond the test of time for the people of Siaya”, said Governor Rasanga.
The County Executive Committee Member for Agriculture, Food, Irrigation, Livestock and Fisheries Dr. Elizabeth Odhiambo on her side outlined the many successes that has been achieved since ASDSP II inception and this includes reaching out to 10,136 value chain actors against a target of 14,078, development of 3 Strategic Integrated Value Chain Acton Plans, created partnerships that has enhanced market access, development of Innovation proposals for Value chain actors and ensuring linkages among different players. She also reported remarkable strides made in the establishment of the Siaya County Agricultural Sector steering committee (CASSCOM) with core mandate of co-ordinating the implementation of the Agricultural activities in the County. She further urged all development partners to continue complementing each other in achieving set objectives within the Agriculture Sector.