The output seeks to pursue social inclusion concerns through the integration of women and youth in value chains. It recognizes that women and youth value chain actors continue to face higher entry barriers than their adult male counterparts in value chain (VC) development by having less access to assets, credit, services and markets among others.
To address some of the above challenges the output identifies and screens innovative ideas, practices and technologies that have high prospects for women and youth empowerment in value chain development. This is done through the provision of innovations through grants that will support active participation of women and youth in value chain activities to boost productivity. For women and youth to achieve sustainable incomes and food security, they require to commercialize their value chain enterprises through innovative mechanisms to improve their access to resources, thus increasing VC productivity, enhancing their entrepreneurial skills and improving market access of their VC products.
This are output achievements include; the development and use of Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy (GSIS), Gender and Social Inclusion Action Plan (GSAIP), GSI training Hand book and GSI training Module for use by service providers to help value women and youth chain actors achieve sustainable income and food security.
The GSI strategy and action plan will enhance their participation and integration in all the value chain nodes, while at the same time improve their enterprise commercialization through increased sustainability and productivity, and their produce and products access to markets improved.