Within the context of the programme, innovations are perceived as new ideas, technologies or ways of doing things in a certain setting by people who have previously not used these new ideas, technologies or ways of doing things before.  Innovation is recognised as one of the most important means to increase productivity within a value chain across all the nodes

However, though many agricultural technologies are being created continuously, the effective dissemination of knowledge pertaining to innovations remains a challenge that inherently affects the productivity of many value chain actors especially women and youth. Women and youth are particularly disadvantaged because of lack of access to finances and land resources. ASDSP, through the innovation fund will therefore try to improve the chances of women and youth taking up innovations that improve their participation in VCD. In addition, ASDSP will promote innovations that build the resilience of natural resources through innovations that apply CSA adaptations and risk mitigations. Overall the CSA innovations will improve the sustainability of VCs

Capacity building extended concept

Programme funds for enhancing the technical capacities of SPs and VCAs are accessed through capacity building extended concepts. The technical areas supported are on productivity, entrepreneurial skills, marketing skill, and, structures for consultations, cooperation and coordination.

Innovation proposals

Programme funds for innovation are accessed through the innovation proposals. These funds are available VC actors within the programme prioritized value chains as a group and not as individuals. Access to this fund only goes towards supporting innovations that linked to an identified opportunity within the SIVCAP.

The proposals must demonstrate how the innovation will lead to contribute towards job creation, income growth and transition VCAs   to the next income levels.


  • 140 developed SIVCAPs developed
  • 140 capacity building extended concepts developed and are being implemented.
  • 140 innovation proposals developed and are being implemented