Enhancing Climate Smart Agriculture and Green Growth interventions, practices and technologies

Climate smart agriculture, livestock and fisheries (CSA) and Green Growth (GG) is agricultural development that increases value chain adaptation and productivity for food and nutrition security and allows populations to transition from poverty to middle income livelihoods, with co-benefits in reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and environmental resilience.

The Programme promotes CSA and GG technologies and practices through processes that involve inventorization, assessment and flagging out the identified practices and technologies. These  include; Strengthened use of climate forecasts for local decision making, Safe and hygienic handling of waste, including dangerous waste and waste recycling, reduced risk for toxicity or other contamination of final product, safe and sound input supplies, adaptation actions such as precision agriculture, minimum tillage, conservation agriculture, fertilization, selective breeding, renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro, and biogas) powered water pumping, cold chain systems and solar drying and heating processes and green water management systems for crops, livestock, aquaculture production and ecological management. Others include technologies biological technology for production, processing and trading and other technologies like drought-tolerant seed varieties, hardy livestock breeds, machinery and equipment, drip irrigation kits, solar powered water pumps, conservation agriculture practices, index based insurance, packaging and dissemination of climate information and mobile and internet based climate and weather information and warning systems.  Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technologies, Hermetic technologies, Water harvesting technologies, Thermo -stable New Castle Disease Vaccine, Synchronized and serial hatching, Biogas production using bio-digesters (especially applied in intensive dairy production). Others are pasture conservation, and improved management in agro-silvopastoral systems, as well as in intensive and extensive dairy production (mostly through grass–legume associations).

The programme has developed the following documents

  1. The Climate Smart Agriculture and green growth Promotion Toolkit
  2. Weather based Advisories at the County level


1.3 Achievements

The programme has developed 47 PVCs Suitability Atlases whose main purpose is to provide baseline information on the development demands required in order to increase productivity of a prioritized value chain. It is meant to guide value chain actors, stakeholders and policy makers on the existing output-input factor conditions to distinguish and target responsive interventions necessary when developing prioritized value chains within a county.  The maps are to be used as a decision tool to differentiate input resource allocation and targeting across regions in order to level out total factor productivity of prioritized value chains. The maps could also be used to guide internal realignment of priority value chains within and across the counties so as to position counties to leverage on their potentialities in contributing to the household and national food security and income growth.