Adaptation measures – Are actions aimed at increasing the ability of value chains to put up with climate shocks as and when they occur and therefore ensure that climate change effects are planned for and addressed through adaptation interventions.
Mitigation measures –These are actions aimed at reducing and curbing greenhouse gas emissions ( carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide etc) and to increase carbon removal from the atmosphere (sequestration).
Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP)- This is the downscaling of seasonal climate forecast based on two rainy seasons, March-April May (MAM) and October-November- December (OND) and its dissemination to value chain actors to enhance decision making e.g. mitigation measures to be put in place given the weather conditions.
PVC suitability maps – Within the programme context, these are maps that depict the appropriateness of a given area for a particular value chain based on certain bio physical parameters and therefore provide pointers on suitability or unsuitability of value chain in that specific area. In the event that the VC is unsuited for the particular locality, adaptation measures are proposed.